
This very interesting piece of software (also available in a free version) gives you the ability to successfully backup, replicate and restore VMs, physical servers and workstations (as well as some Cloud-based instances).

In order to install it, you'll need a working Microsoft SQL Server (2014 - at least for the latest version of Veeam available) along with some dependencies (shown below) installed:



At this point just click the "Install" button and wait for the procedure to end - there should be only green check marks left in the end, of course.

The next step is about defining all basic settings:



As you'll probably want to customize the settings to the existing SQL Server setup be sure to choose the option marked yellow above and choose a recommended ("LOCAL SERVICE") account on the next screen, then provision a SQL Server instance according to your needs and possibilities (if you choose a separate instance a SQL Server 2012 SP3 Express will be installed!):



The next screen gives you the oportunity to define the ports to be used - I would kindly suggest noting them (or taking a screenshot) for later (re)configuration purposes.



The next thing to do is to configure a Hyper-V server for backup - in order to do that just start the main console, go to the "Infrastructure" part and start the wizard - if you stumble upon a port(s) error, try redefining the range or entering the default values manually:




By the way, a list of all the ports used by Veeam Backup & Recovery can be found here.


However, if you get an "Access denied" and / or "Failed to create persistent connection to ADMIN$" error (pictured below), check the permission on the "VBRCatalog" network share and if that doesn't help, open the Registry Editor and try adding a DWORD key named "LocalAccountTokenFilterPolicy" with a value "1" under HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\policies\system and rebooting the system afterward.




While this might be not worth a mention, the latter is a well known UAC (User Access Control) Remote issue documented here.  


However, in the end you should end up with something like this (please note two additional port values marked yellow):



After the Hyper-V Server has been added, you should see it listed in the console - any yellow exclamation marks telling you that some updates are needed are worth disregarding as they've turned out to be faulty (the Microsoft KB pointed to in the exclamation mark description simply wouldn't install on the system). 

The setup should be ready for backups now... 😉